The essentials to simplify your SME

The only all-in-one solution for structuring and automating your SME

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Do you have fewer than 250 employees and one of the following problems?

A drowsy person means a quiet quitting signal

You have too many tools, some of them duplicates. Your employees use them for a few hours a month, but the bill adds up ...

A calendar image to illustrate the meetings.

You find it hard to keep track of who does what within the company.

succession of meetings in a short time span

Meetings come and go, and teams talk about reunionitis

a snail representing the slowness with which projects can move forward

Documentation is unwritten or scattered
It takes an inordinate amount of time to obtain information

A signpost showing a new route to take

You're having trouble getting employees to commit to new methods

The platform that unifies your team management

Explore Rolebase, 1 product,
multiple uses

The end of the "black box" effect

There is often a lack of understanding of roles and responsibilities within the company.

This "black box" effect slows down employee initiative and disengages them.

This impact on individual contributions slows down the generation of value within the company!

Without Rolebase

With Rolebase

A group of enthusiastic colleagues.

Bring simplicity to your teams

Free up everyone's time to focus on their areas of expertise

Your teams need a clear picture of where they stand in the organization to achieve alignment.

Their time spent in meetings needs to be a vehicle for knowledge creation, alignment and conviviality.

Information relevant to moving projects forward needs to be easily accessible in 2 clicks and autonomously.

With Rolebase we give you a simple and intuitive solution to enable your people to excel.

Do we save you time?

We've got the solution to simplify your organization!

Their teams chose Rolebase