The term "tension", in the context of role-based management and similar management approaches, refers to unmet needs or discrepancies between the current state of affairs and the desired expectations or objectives within the organization. Tensions are seen as drivers of organizational improvement and change.
Tensions can be positive, as they signal opportunities for improvement or areas where adjustments are needed to better meet the organization's needs. They can arise from situations where processes are not as efficient as they could be, where obstacles stand in the way of achieving objectives, or where rules or responsibilities are poorly defined.
In holacratic governance, tensions are actively sought out and used as a basis for making decisions and adjustments within the organization. They are often identified at governance or role meetings, where members of the organization are encouraged to express areas where they feel there are unmet needs or opportunities for improvement.
By viewing tensions as signals of opportunity, organizations can proactively evolve, adapt to market changes and improve their operational efficiency. In this way, tensions help promote a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within the organization.
In short, "tensions" represent unmet needs or divergences from expectations within the organization. They are perceived as opportunities for improvement and organizational change, and are actively used to stimulate innovation and continuous improvement.